how to overcome the spirit of deception

His ways are perfect, straightforward and transparent. It plays on the mind and makes people who are affected to believe in the lies it presents. The spirit of deception is the cunning and serpentine spirit in a man deceiving people and committing them to do the wrong things of life to destroy their destiny. discern the difference between the voices of God and Satan. 1 John showed us how we can keep ourselves in the love of God. Adversary/ Enemy " Be self-controlled and alert. They give people exactly what they want to hear, not what they need to hear. Spiritual Warfare & Satan, The Master of Deception. We continue this morning in our study of 1 John. learn how to understand the anatomy of a lie. Prepare Ahead of Time. Again, it is a selfish spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:10 .to another discerning of spirits b. A spirit of deception is very good at this. Humanity can most definitely overcome it and dispatch it from within. When [] Comment: Self-deceit is an inherent part of man's emotional, mental and spiritual makeup. 5 messages on 5 CDs by Kenneth Copeland. Say "NO. There is a spirit of deception (anti-Christ) in the land. There are three primary avenues through which we can be deceived: (1) self-deception, (2) false prophets/teachers and (3) deceiving spirits. (READ) Before we look at the main teaching, I want to define two terms, so that we can better understand the passage. Believers are warned that much of the end times deception will largely originate from two sources: 1- within the apostate Church; and, 2- from the synagogue of Satan. "The Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful . 2. Step 1: Adopt a Correct View of God. 1. To avoid spiritual deception, develop discernment by abiding in the Word, especially with regard to the gospel (2:24-26). The cults draw people in by showing them "love.". But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. We humans are involved in deception in three different ways. He cannot lie and He does not change His standards. James 1:22-27 ESV / 50 helpful votesNot Helpful. Demons allure people from a position of stability into a place of instability in an attempt to capture them in their web of lies. Narcissism is rooted in deception, so what they believe feels like the truth to them. May you receive 20/20 clarity of "spiritual vision" as you seek and obey truth, recognize and flee deception, and become pure, holy, and eagerly prepared in the sight of our coming Savior and King! In light of all of this, I want to offer three simple steps I'm going through right now to overcome any areas of self-deception in my life: Take Inventory - I'm asking the Holy Spirit to show me the areas of my life that I am knowingly or unknowingly disobeying the word of God in my life. 2. -Deceptive (adj) = "tending or having the power to deceive." Deception began in the Garden of Eden. "Your dwelling is in the midst of deceit; Through deceit they refuse to know Me," declares the Lord. ORDER HERE. It was the greatest loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until the 9/11 attacks. Humanity can most definitely overcome it and dispatch it from within. Deception always captures the mind of its victims. Matthew 24:4. We must be able to judge between what is from the Lord and what is not. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. But since the Galactic Alignment of 2012, the roots of this \\'matrix\\' have been unwound from Gaia at the deepest levels. break through to a deeper level of spiritual maturity. The Hittite spirit wants to entrap you mentally. Deception can involve disguise, propaganda and sleight of hand, as well as distraction, camouflage . " Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thes. Support our Sponsors! You will begin to tear down strongholds and as your mind is renewed by the Word of God, your feelings will reflect those changes. The spirit of manipulation is skilled at tying adult children to parents cords for a long time so they can't live their lives or be independent. And . The Word of God says that 'God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and a sound mind,' (2 Timothy 1:7). We must learn to expose demonic . Deception involves information control. Friends, we have all seen what can happen when people's minds are not in alignment with love and truth. It is a spirit that wages war quietly causing those affected unaware of menacing things going on in their lives. Genesis 3:1-3 -Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. Fear is at the root of many works of evil. Overcoming the Spirit of Deception #4: MUST PRAY FOR DISCERNMENT a. When you are bombarded with negatives -start rejoicing. Verse Concepts. Fear is at the root of many works of evil. Fear always comes with accusation and that spirit of accusation will accuse us to God, and speak accusations against God in our minds. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. In light of all of this, I want to offer three simple steps I'm going through right now to overcome any areas of self-deception in my life: Take Inventory - I'm asking the Holy Spirit to show me the areas of my life that I am knowingly or unknowingly disobeying the word of God in my life. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. A good first step to overcome is to know these spirits exist and how they operate. 2:3, NIV) The enemy has begun a process of deceiving various groups of the Body of Christ in five stages. Too many of us will listen to and follow anyone but the Lord. Over 300 children were murdered. God said: (NIV84) Ge 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; (NIV84) Ge 3:4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. Lord Jehovah, Self-Existent One, today as I walk on Your beautiful earth, deliver me from the spirit of fear. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another. Prime examples of this are found in the MEDIA, ENTERTAINMENT, the NEWS. By its very nature, a lie is false. Be on alert. Humanity is waking up from a grand deception, that has been propogated through the surrounding energy field by an Interdimensional ET Intervention so as to suppress and control. First, we can deceive ourselves if we listen to the word of God but don't do it (see James 1:22-25 ). LAIE, Hawaii Having the Spirit of the Lord with is the only way to overcome the deception of the world, said noted LDS speakers Wendy Watson Nelson and Sheri Dew at a fireside on May 30 in the Cannon Activities Center. That can be a sign of deception - being pressurised into making a quick decision. "Do not be deceived: "Evil company corrupts good habits."" 1 Corinthians 15:33. (John 1:4) Knowing how easy it is to be swept away into deception, Paul strongly warned us to "take heed" in 1 Timothy 4:16. In order to recognize Christ's doctrine, we must know and do the will of God. It is the way the world function. Breaking Free from Bondage and Deception The spirit of Jezebel is tied to negativity, evil influence, witchcraft, manipulation, wickedness, intimidation, seduction, force, lack of self-control, lack of honor, all . O Lord, send confusion into the camp of all my enemies in . Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. Always test every spirit with the Word of God. Philippians 4:6. Perhaps the most egregious example was the Children of God cult, where the women used sex to lure unsuspecting men into the group. Week 1: Welcome to the Series - Truth Versus Deception. Understand that Satan's greatest weapon is deception. We will discuss the advantages and limitations of each alternative, both ethically and methodologically. Be careful with who lay hands on you to pray for you. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. Their insinuations are deceptive, manipulative, seductive, and alluring. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Fear. We need to be able to recognize when the enemy is trying at work in subtle ways. What is necessary to overcome Satan's attacks? There is a lot of deception happening in the world around us. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.". Spiritual Weapons to Defeat the Enemy: Overcoming the Wiles, Devices, and Deception of the Devil (Unabridged) . Friends, we have all seen what can happen when people's minds are not in alignment with love and truth. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and your son Jesus that died for my sins. Self-deception is the process of lying to ourselves without realizing that we are doing it. The deceitful spirits who lie in wait in the dark shadows aim to deflect God's people from the right path. First, you must be able to decipher what is the root cause of the confusion. Scott Bitcon Training Be Alert and Watchful. It uses guilt as a trap to benefit the user but destroys the recipient. Second, God inhabits the praises of His people and the spirit of dread and fear cannot stay in that environment. Robin Kirby-Gatto operates in the prophetic, bringing the testimony of Jesus into the earth through the scripture Revelation 19:10 "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Robin walks in God's Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding and is brought into areas to bring a revelation of God's Truth, The Word as the Holy Spirit brings forth God's anointing into her ministry. The Scriptures frequently warn, "Do not be deceived.". Until you're inwardly focused, it feels like all the impulses of thought, feeling and emotion you're getting are 'normal' behaviourisms - but not all of them are. The following are some of the ways to pray against the spirit of confusion. (1Timothy 4:1) Here are 4 keys you can use to avoid falling into the trap of the enemy; 1. discover how unresolved past trauma affects us and others. This includes both dissimulation (hiding or withholding information) and simulation (putting out wrong or misleading information). In Saul's case, he was made into a new man and called to be king of Israel. Navigating Chaos: Overcoming The Spirit of Distraction: Its easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.